This week the Christian Science Fiction & Fantasy Blog Tour is featuring One Realm Beyond, the first book in the Realm Walkers series by dragon fancier Donita K Paul.
But, as I’m not sure how big a part the dragons actually play, and because I expect the wretched things will turn up again sometime soon, here instead are the Top Ten Musical Realms To Walk To:
10. Clannad – Atlantic Realm
I’m not the biggest fan of Clannad’s celtic pop tunery, but I’m sure there’s a place for relaxing instrumentals in every top ten.
9. Ravi Coltrane – Angular Realms
Who would have thought Hagrid was a jazz saxophonist on the quiet?
8. Voolfga – Different Realms
This week’s electronic instalment, included mainly because I like the weird voice at the beginning. It’s the simple pleasures, eh?
7. Priscilla Hernandez – The Realms of Twilight
You’re traveling to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. There’s the signpost up ahead – next stop, the Realms of Twilight…
6. Belle & Sebastian – Women’s Realm
I’m pretty sure my mum used to read this magazine. This must be the musical equivalent of knitting patterns, short stories and coffee break puzzles.
5. Mad Professor – Beyond The Realms Of Dub
The search for eclecticism leads us – literally – into new realms with this dub reggae number.
4. Hopewell – Realms of Gold
A fairly pleasant piece of psychadelic rock fun from Hopewell Junction,New York. And in the best tradition of psychadelic rock, the band forget to stop playing until about 40 seconds after the end of the song.
3. Belladonna – Beyond The Realms Of Reason
A band so original they had to invent a sub-genre of their own (rock noir, fact fans). You wouldn’t catch writers behaving like that now, would you….?
2. Widowspeak – Harsh Realm
They lie, this is not harsh at all, but jangly indie pop of the most sublime order.
1. Madness – One Realm Beyond
I don’t even care that the song isn’t called that, it has just sprung instantly to mind every time I saw the title of this week’s book. Plus, it’s totally awesome.
As ever, the playlist is there for your aural pleasure while you visit the other bloggers on the tour. And don’t forget that all this jolliness is part of the CSFF Blog Tour for One Realm Beyond, which continues in the sidebar.
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Follow the tour:
Julie Bihn
Keanan Brand
Beckie Burnham
Mike Coville
Pauline Creeden
Vicky DealSharingAunt
Carol Gehringer
Rebekah Gyger
Janeen Ippolito
Jason Joyner
Carol Keen
Krystine Kercher
Emileigh Latham
Jennette Mbewe
Shannon McDermott
Meagan @ Blooming with Books
Melanie @ Christian Bookshelf Reviews
Rebecca LuElla Miller
Joan Nienhuis
Donita K. Paul
Audrey Sauble
Chawna Schroeder
James Somers
Jojo Sutis
Jessica Thomas
Steve Trower
Shane Werlinger
Jill Williamson
Deborah Wilson
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