Camp NaNoWriMo, or A Hiatus Ending

I guess I’ve been away from this a while longer than I intended, judging by the hundreds of comments I had to delete when Continue reading
I guess I’ve been away from this a while longer than I intended, judging by the hundreds of comments I had to delete when Continue reading
It will probably come as no surprise to anyone who has been following my ramblings of late, that once again I have taken the Douglas Adams Continue reading
…getting distracted by my mid-life crisis, obviously. It’s already almost a week into Camp NaNoWriMo (how did that happen?) but I don’t have a great deal to say about that, Continue reading
In actual fact, I’ve written quite a lot of words this month. Unfortunately, very few of them are even remotely related to Camp NaNo; although I suppose given Continue reading
As I write this, we are just two (count ’em) hours shy of Camp NaNoWriMo’s July session. And, yes, despite (or perhaps because of) not having the time Continue reading
Working on the day job, recovering from Camp NaNoWriMo failure and having another of my occasional blog hiatuses. Hiati? Breaks. But now I’m back. So, to recap, I have also Continue reading
So, it has obviously been a long time coming, but the story is now starting to happen. Some 4,000 words in I have some bad guys about to Continue reading
For reasons now lost to common sense, I decided a little while back to draft Bit #2 of The Ambivalence Chronicles for Camp NaNoWriMo this April. Unfortunately this Continue reading
Working on the day job, eating birthday cake, and unleashing my inner computer geek -he’s been quiet since I mothballed my Amiga many years ago, but is now busy plotting Continue reading
…keeping up with the day job – the school holidays tend to cause havoc with my work schedule. But it seems a long time since I’ve taken stock of my Continue reading