Camp NaNoWriMo July Update
In actual fact, I’ve written quite a lot of words this month. Unfortunately, very few of them are even remotely related to Camp NaNo; although I suppose given Continue reading
In actual fact, I’ve written quite a lot of words this month. Unfortunately, very few of them are even remotely related to Camp NaNo; although I suppose given Continue reading
It’s all over bar the collecting of the legendary ‘Winner Goodies’… and do I have a first draft to show for it?
Um, no, actually, I do not.
I have Continue reading
Before I throw myself laptop first into a long Friday of wordcount boosting, time for a quick review. I’ve missed a couple of days this week, and then my creative Continue reading
I officially hate week two.
The trouble with pantsing – which is my chosen approach to all things NaNo – is that of having only the vaguest idea what is Continue reading
It all started, as so many good stories do, on ebay.
So begin The Ambivalence Chronicles: A Comic Urban Fantasy in 8 Bits.
Bit #1 is, for the time being, Continue reading