Camp NaNoWriMo, or A Hiatus Ending

I guess I’ve been away from this a while longer than I intended, judging by the hundreds of comments I had to delete when Continue reading
I guess I’ve been away from this a while longer than I intended, judging by the hundreds of comments I had to delete when Continue reading
The year is well under way now, but it’s still January enough to do the annual taking stock of successes, failures and plans.
Well last year’s plans were:
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…and another month with no updates here. But! I have been working even harder at finally getting Bootlesquith Manor out of the door. So Continue reading
…working on Bootlesquith Manor, actually. And it’s now so desperately close to finished that I’m going to keep this short. So here’s a quick summary of what’s been going on Continue reading
It will probably come as no surprise to anyone who has been following my ramblings of late, that once again I have taken the Douglas Adams Continue reading
Needless to say, writing targets and other suchlikes have once again fallen victim to ‘real life’, whatever that is, and so June’s main writing task – Continue reading
…and other excuses. Not that I have to make excuses, of course, it’s only my writing career that’s failing to get off the starting blocks because of my demanding real-life Continue reading
…getting distracted by my mid-life crisis, obviously. It’s already almost a week into Camp NaNoWriMo (how did that happen?) but I don’t have a great deal to say about that, Continue reading
It can’t have escaped anyone’s notice that my attempts to be regularly blogging and more intentionally pursuing a writing career have thus far failed to materialise. I have all these Continue reading
Failing with my 2015 plans in epic style. Cold & flu season will, unfortunately, have that effect, especially in a house with a nearly three-year-old on hand to distribute her Continue reading