The obligatory New Year post


So, this is the first New Year at my new home in cyberspace, so it seems like I should welcome it in the traditional way, looking back at all the goodness 2013 brought with it, and forward to all the betterness that is to come in 2014. Nothing like an optimistic start, eh?

Obviously 2013 saw me upgrade my webspace from a mere to a more important sounding .com address, with a fresh new look and vague, unfulfilled promises of a store full of yummy ebooks written by me. Ok, so still some work to do there in the next year.

On the subject of writing, however, it was a good year, with not one but two (count ’em) crappy NaNo grade first drafts cluttering up my hard disc. In a dramatic twist, one of them even has a cover sketched out by my tame artist, the lovely and talented Becky Trower.

All of which seems to point to bigger and more exciting things to come in 2014, and obviously has me regretting ever putting finger to keyboard and committing those thoughts to the blogiverse. Oh well, it’s done now, we’ll just have to see where it goes…

So, what can we expect to see here on the blog in the coming months? Well, firstly I plan to settle into the bi-weekly rhythm that mostly worked last year, which should keep things fresh and fun around here. There are a few reviews still waiting backstage, among them a smorgasbord of classic Doctor Who DVDs and an eclectic selection of novels; and Re-Dwarf will be relaunching any time now, as the great Red Dwarf Re-watch starts Series 3.

This year is also, remarkably, the tenth anniversary of the original publication of Countless as the Stars. Whether not having written anything decent in a decade is something to celebrate is debatable, but I hope the ebook edits will finish some time soon so I can get an anniversary edition released into the wild.

In other writing plans, first is editing The Ballad of Matthew Smith and getting that out as an ebook; I will also be joining in at least one session of Camp NaNoWriMo as well as the main event in November, probably to further develop The Ambivalence Chronicles.

And as a way to relax after all that blogging, writing and editing, I’ve accepted the challenge of digitising my cassette-based music collection, so expect the Tuesday Tunes segment to be over-run with 80s & 90s music of varying quality.

Happy New Year?

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