CSFF Blog Tour: One Realm Beyond by Donita K Paul


Once again, regular posting has failed to be a feature of this blog, but we’ll try and put aside those bad habits for now, for the sake of Donita K Paul and One Realm Beyond, first book in the Realm Walkers series.

Annoyingly, I was going to (instead of, you know, actually reading the book in question) tell you all about the awesome stuff going on at the author’s website, but it seems most of the tour has thought of that and the thing seems to have just gone down.

So, um… the author does have a website. There are things on it, some of them about the book we are touring this week, some about writing in general, and some about dragons.

Tell you what, I’ll just skip to the blurb and hit Spotify. The rest of the tour (linkies to your right) can tell you more.

Cantor D’Ahma waited his whole life for this day. Born with a gift to jump between worlds, the young realm walker is finally ready to leave his elderly mentor and accept his role as protector and defender of the realms. But mere hours after he steps through his first portal, Cantor discovers that his job will be more dangerous and difficult than he ever imagined. The realms are plagued with crime and cruelty, and even members of the once-noble Realm Walkers Guild can no longer be trusted. To make matters worse, his first assignment—finding a dragon to assist him on his quest—has led him to Bridger, who is clearly inept and won’t leave him alone. With the help of his new friends Bixby and Dukmee, Cantor must uncover the secrets of the corrupt guild before they become too powerful to be stopped. But his skills aren’t progressing as fast as he would like, and as he finds himself deeper and deeper in the guild’s layers of deceit, Cantor struggles to determine where his true allegiance lies.

It’s at this point that I realise I should have done an Italian Job homage, with Mr Bridger as an inept dragon. Well, couldn’t be any worse than that Hollywood remake…

Join us here tomorrow for day two of the tour, when we continue to laugh in the face of relevance.

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One Response to CSFF Blog Tour: One Realm Beyond by Donita K Paul

  1. Pingback: CSFF Blog Tour – One Realm Beyond by Donita Paul, Day 1 | A Christian Worldview of Fiction

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