Tuesday Tunes: Music For Airports by Brian Eno

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So now I am, theoretically, immersed in Camp NaNoWriMo, it seems an appropriate moment for a quick review of some writing music. And it will be quick, because:
(1) I should be writing, and
(b) this is probably the most minimalist album in my collection.

The opening album in Eno and friends’ 4 album Ambient sequence, Music For Airports consists of four subtle pieces, with various combinations of short piano melodies, wordless vocals and subtle synthesisers.

Eno revisits the technique used in Discreet Music of repeating two or more melodies slightly out of sync to form a constantly evolving musical background and give your ears something to do while your fingers get writing.

If you find Music For Airports a little too easy to nod off to, the Bang On A Can cover version is slightly less sparse arrangement of the same tunes, with a greater variety of instruments and sounds, and may indeed lend itself to a different set of writing tasks.

Speaking of which, this Camp NaNoWriMo project is not writing itself…

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